Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
On my way to get Steve and the boys from the airport for Sat. rehearsals and a Sunday F@&%$^%^%$#%% night Kane show!!!
isn't it awesome? *jumps like crazy*
oh gosh, i should stop being such a fangirl. Someone stop me. Can you?

*reads again his msg*
he's twittering. *jumps some more*

They're gonna perform together again.
Vaip, can you c that?????

@темы: i'm a nutcase, no worries, crazy in love, Christian Kane, Steve Carlson

26.07.2009 в 20:41

K/S. They hit you with the rainbow spectrum of slashy goodness. It will at once make you cry buckets of tragic tears and then make you believe in angels. (c)
26.07.2009 в 21:48

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
:inlove: boys))

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