Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Oh Chris, you are my B-day man!
I love you like... okay it's beyond the words.
You are one crazy motherfucker and it makes me love you more.
Don't you ever change.
I wish you the BEST!
And though hangover is killing me, I think it's the right way to celebrate your b-day, right, baby?!

@темы: crazy in love, Christian Kane, yay 4 b-day

27.06.2009 в 14:03

Музыка - мой морфий, осень - мой драг, кофе с молоком - моя нирвана. © Domminica MacDeverson
27.06.2009 в 14:13

Happy Birthday, sweet lovely, hot and talented man!!!! Yeah, we wish all the best things of this world! We wish you Steve :D
We love you, boy!
27.06.2009 в 14:29

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
yay! :squeeze:
He's the man!

yep, we wish him go back to Steve! Judging by how the things are now, there are chances for them to get back together))

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