Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Another evil!Sam fic by leonidaslion.
she always does the thing when you know it's wrong and awful but you still can understand the motives.
Also, it leaves you hot and bothered, and kinda twisted.
Title: Indigo Blooms in the Kingdom of Hesperus
Rating: NC-17 (language, disturbing sexual situations)
Pairing: evil!Sam/Dean
Spoilers: general season 4, although nothing specific
Genre: drama, angst, dark!fic, AU
Warning: dub/non con
Summary: Just a routine morning in Hell, but Dean is starting to think that Sam wants more than he has been taking ...
Link to fic.
she always does the thing when you know it's wrong and awful but you still can understand the motives.
Also, it leaves you hot and bothered, and kinda twisted.
Title: Indigo Blooms in the Kingdom of Hesperus
Rating: NC-17 (language, disturbing sexual situations)
Pairing: evil!Sam/Dean
Spoilers: general season 4, although nothing specific
Genre: drama, angst, dark!fic, AU
Warning: dub/non con
Summary: Just a routine morning in Hell, but Dean is starting to think that Sam wants more than he has been taking ...
Link to fic.