Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
So ummm... one picture of Goth!Jay wasn't enough.
They kill us with the whole photoshoot.
You can find it here. Suit yourself.

@темы: pictures to die for, Jared Padalecki

14.02.2009 в 10:31

-Why exactly would the universe make fun of us all? -Maybe it's insecure.
:buh:У него глаза накрашены, да? :alles:
14.02.2009 в 11:17

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Ласковое безобразие
о да :alles:
kinky bastard.
14.02.2009 в 11:25

-Why exactly would the universe make fun of us all? -Maybe it's insecure.
издевается над бедными фанатами, нехороший человек :alles:
14.02.2009 в 11:36

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Ласковое безобразие нехороший человек

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