Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Song Title/Vid Title: "This Night"
Vidder: Sweetie
Artist: Black Lab
Category: Character study, angst.
Characters: Sam
Warnings: Spoilers up to 4x13.
Summary: "I know I'm not forgiven, but I hope that I'll be given some peace."
It's wonderful Sam-centric vid.
Yeah, I still love the guy.
The song suits him perfectly, and I love this song.
DL is here.
Vidder: Sweetie
Artist: Black Lab
Category: Character study, angst.
Characters: Sam
Warnings: Spoilers up to 4x13.
Summary: "I know I'm not forgiven, but I hope that I'll be given some peace."
It's wonderful Sam-centric vid.
Yeah, I still love the guy.
The song suits him perfectly, and I love this song.
DL is here.