Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Wonderful wincest fic, it's like a coda to 4x01, IMHO.
It's how the things should be or how they were.
TITLE: For Always And Ever Is Always For You
SUMMARY: Right now, all he wants is to be with his brother again like they were before.
WORDS: 2299
NOTES: Set between scenes during Lazarus Rising. For [info]mickeym, and also my girls [info]leighm and [info]rejeneration, who’ve been very patiently waiting for some Top!Sam
Link to fic.
It's how the things should be or how they were.
TITLE: For Always And Ever Is Always For You
SUMMARY: Right now, all he wants is to be with his brother again like they were before.
WORDS: 2299
NOTES: Set between scenes during Lazarus Rising. For [info]mickeym, and also my girls [info]leighm and [info]rejeneration, who’ve been very patiently waiting for some Top!Sam

Link to fic.
And he’s going to make damned sure that it never happens again.
вот скажи, это прямо наш канон