Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
New wincest vid by absrip.
Her previous wincest vid 'Bed Of Lies' is one of my favourites.
This one is AU and it's angsty, and I loved it! Also, I'm Breaking Benjamin' fan, so it's soo my kind of the vid.
The vid is wonderful, I loved the editing and the footage, wincest scenes are perfect, but no happy ending, guys. I hope there'll be more, maybe part 2, coz the vid rocks and I'm such a sucker for happy endings!
Vid Title: You
Vidder: absrip
Artist: Breaking Benjamin
Category: Wincest, angst, au
Characters: Dean's POV
Pairings: Dean/Sam
Warnings: Wincest
Summary: Deans POV. What if Dean never told Sam about his deal with the crossroads demon? Trying to protect Sam, Dean pushed him away, making him go back to Stanford and a new life. Dean fights his need for his brother and his fear of his deal coming due.
DLs are here.
Her previous wincest vid 'Bed Of Lies' is one of my favourites.
This one is AU and it's angsty, and I loved it! Also, I'm Breaking Benjamin' fan, so it's soo my kind of the vid.
The vid is wonderful, I loved the editing and the footage, wincest scenes are perfect, but no happy ending, guys. I hope there'll be more, maybe part 2, coz the vid rocks and I'm such a sucker for happy endings!
Vid Title: You
Vidder: absrip
Artist: Breaking Benjamin
Category: Wincest, angst, au
Characters: Dean's POV
Pairings: Dean/Sam
Warnings: Wincest
Summary: Deans POV. What if Dean never told Sam about his deal with the crossroads demon? Trying to protect Sam, Dean pushed him away, making him go back to Stanford and a new life. Dean fights his need for his brother and his fear of his deal coming due.
DLs are here.
Одинокий Дин, приближающаяся сделка, Сэм, отправляющийся в Стэнфорд - это еще грустнее третьего сезона ((((((
тогда посмотри не до финала. Там шикарные винцестные сцены.
А финал я себе все равно уже другой придумала))
Эх, ладно, тогда посмотрю
А потом посмотрю еще разок на фотки из 4х01... может, поможет ))))
ПС. сорри, это я просто под логином сообщества
а я уж офигела, типа, who the fuck is this?
LOL зато твое тайное имя раскрыто.
шикарный вид!
а то!!!!!!!!
а сцены какие... *izhorny* lol