
Vid recs

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Okay, I promised more SPN vids to rec.

The first one is about SPN world, about people who lived and died, and y'know, no one is safe in this world.
It's angsty, but it's my kind of the thing. And the song fits perfectly for the vid.

Title: Of Fallen Souls
Vidder: hay1ock
Song: 42
Artist: Coldplay
Summary: SVS Challenge Ensemble - For three years the Winchesters have been hunting things and saving people. But in the end they can't save everyone, sometimes not even themselves.
Warnings: I used Vegas again lol, Clips from all seasons and eps.
Details: 3mins 9 secs, 36mb, wmv

DL is here.

The second one is AU vid. Not an original idea but the editing is great, and it makes the vid quite outstanding from the the same idea' ones.

Song: Blow Me Away
Artist: Breaking Benjamin
Warnings: none
Category: AU
Characters/Pairings: Evil!Dean, Sam, Crossroads Demon
Summary: Sam can't live without his brother so he does the only thing he knows that will bring Dean back; he makes a deal.. But since when have demons been trustworthy?
Length: 2:29
File Size: 18.2Mb

DL is here.

@темы: fan vid, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, rec, supernatural

18.08.2008 в 01:02

Музыка - мой морфий, осень - мой драг, кофе с молоком - моя нирвана. © Domminica MacDeverson
18.08.2008 в 01:07

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
I lurve your comments *smirks*
P.S. ohh Steve, hope my bastard will work things out between you two *points at the icon*
18.08.2008 в 01:12

Музыка - мой морфий, осень - мой драг, кофе с молоком - моя нирвана. © Domminica MacDeverson
Sabi* I lurve your comments *smirks*

18.08.2008 в 01:16

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin

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