Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Okay, d'ya remember the latest crazy thing from Chris? yeah, the one with designing bikini and lingerie line (LMAO).
So we've got the interview now.

Christian Kane: I’m a lingerie fanatic. I’ve always wanted to do this.

There are also pics :heart:
He's gorgeous, but they photoshoped my man too much on the 1st pic.

Taken from here, you can check the link to view some of the collection.

Also, there's something about Steve, but it's not a place to discuss it(((

@темы: crazy in love, Christian Kane

02.08.2008 в 16:51

Н второй фотографии с белым бикини. Это у девушки боди-арт или кружавчики?
02.08.2008 в 17:20

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
мне кажется, второе)))
02.08.2008 в 17:49

Музыка - мой морфий, осень - мой драг, кофе с молоком - моя нирвана. © Domminica MacDeverson
02.08.2008 в 18:45

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin

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