Okay, I was scared shitless.
I fucking love our show!
My crazy thoughts
It was huge, the dynamic, the chemistry, the mood, the music, the dialogues, new faces, new facts and our guys, our guys were great, brilliant! I love my FRIGGING SHOW!!!!
I was on the edge the whole ep. I couldn't find a time to think coz things were rolling so fast and crazy I was afraid I'd miss something.
Also, I did scream a couple times. In the middle of the night, when everyone was sleeping and it was loud screams, but c'mon that crazy motherfucker showed up out of nowhere and took my Sammy, okay, okay, Dean's Sammy, Jeez! anyway, I am spoiler-free, remember???? so I was in shock and I was scared like hell!
Our guys freaked me out a bit, have you noticed how they've changed from season 1?
Start from the beginning: the scene with the possessed man by the demon is totally creepy and guys are so calm and sure, no doubts, no hesitation, they have no time for that, they're doing their work to get what they want! A bit of John's thing, right?
And I loved it in them, it was natural, it was like it should be! No asking questions, just action!
And then the common wish to get Dean out of hell made them break apart and seek the solution in different directions and the scene was heartbreaking!
As to Bela, yeah, I don't love the bitch. They showed us her dark past to make us feel pity for her, hell no! Die bitch, die! She tried to kill them lots of times, no pity from me!
And Dean was great while talking to her, he was just great!!!
I loved the new hunter, both the character and the actor did good job. The dialogue with Dean was priceless, every bit of it! Yeah, no happy-ending for our boys, the life they're having leaves with no sunshune in the end!
This episode took the best from the actors, the writers and the other crew. And here's one more thing - can Jensen be more brilliant?
P.S. Don't ya think our show ROCKS?!!!!
Dean Winchester,
Sam Winchester,
Jensen Ackles,
Jared Padalecki,
а куда ты стырела?
не, а чего сразу ржать,а?
это ж я, чего ты его удивляешься?! lol
начала в ворд, перевисти ... а потом в пост... если ты не возражаешь...
не возражаю!)))
back at ya