Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
I'm a bit late coz it was yesterday, but hey I was almost out of the net the whole day!
So Happy Birthday!!!!
I wish you the best, the best roles to play, the best friends to have and the best woman to love and be loved (please get back 2gether with Mary-Louise Parker!

So Happy Birthday!!!!

I wish you the best, the best roles to play, the best friends to have and the best woman to love and be loved (please get back 2gether with Mary-Louise Parker!

А сколько ему стукнуло?
папе Винчестеру стукнуло 42 года.
Все бы в 42 года так выглядели!!!!
(please get back 2gether with Mary-Louise Parker!
выпьем же за это!!!
полностью согласна!!!!)))
Не говори, он отлично выглядит - молодец
все Bинчестеры - такие lol