Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
When you have to sign Divorce papers but there is still a Goddamn sexual tension

CLICK 4 Mr and Mrs Smith, Avengers style, quite local Civll War level

I guess this makes Bucky a child from the previous marriage who accidentally did a lot of shit when he was high

Run Bucky, Run! Away from your father and responsibilities

What is the moral of the story: you don't lie to your better half and let your kids live their own life.

@темы: The Avengers, Chris Evans, Steve/Tony, RDJ

13.05.2016 в 09:56

прекрасный разбор :lol: :five:
13.05.2016 в 10:48

хороший снайпер і поганий товариш // however vast the darkness, we must supply our own light
you don't lie to your better half and let your kids live their own life
this! :lol:
13.05.2016 в 12:10

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Джоуи прекрасно подошел под завершающий итог)

Мэй Линн,
:friend2: yep))
13.05.2016 в 17:24

I don't do mornings
What is the moral of the story: you don't lie to your better half and let your kids live their own life. о да!
Емко и по сути Сабина.
13.05.2016 в 17:24

I don't do mornings
What is the moral of the story: you don't lie to your better half and let your kids live their own life. о да!
Емко и по сути Сабина.
14.05.2016 в 00:32

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
спасибо)) :buddy:

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