Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
This one I read yesterday, I was flailing about this one.
It's an AU story, with a good dose of humour (I was laughing really hard) and a nice ending.
And my OTP is so wonderful.
I (created from fantasies) exist solely for you

The following one I finished reading a few days ago which is wonderful and unusual and a Dr.Who crossover.
Totally rec this one as well.
We Are Built From Broken Parts

@темы: fiction, The Avengers, rec, Steve/Tony

13.04.2013 в 16:18

I (created from fantasies) exist solely for you
ааа, знаю такой))) милый, да)))

а воторой видела несколько раз, но как раз из-за кроссовера с доктором он меня и не втянул. хотя девочка-автор неплохие фики пишет.
13.04.2013 в 16:19

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
а у меня хорошо пошел, хотя и не фанат Доктора.

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