Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
...is fucking awesome! So much trolling.

"Hot" Magazine Interview excerpt with Colin Morgan and Bradley James (Guest Starring Origami)
I love brits, oh and irish guys as well.

Interviewer: is that how you pick up girls?
Bradley: I actually pick up girls with various displays of origami.
Interviewer: You do not.
Bradley: Yes, I do. It's quite a famous tactic here in England. The better you are at origami, the more women you attract.
Interviewer: And you're sure it's not because they recognise you from the show?
Colin: Well, generally they're too distracted by the origami.
Bradley: Yes. My house is origami. I've got a car that I drove here today that is made from origami.
Interviewer: It must be very environmentally friendly.
Bradley: Yeah, big time.
Interviewer: Alright, Colin, coming back to Merlin - do you believe in magic?
Colin: After watching Bradley drive around in his origami car, I believe in everything.
Interviewer: Okay. Do you own anything origami?
Colin: No, I'm an origami wannabe. I've actually started up a support group because some people have a deficiency in their systems where they can't actually fold things. I'm a part of that group, and it seems to affect people from Northern Ireland. Anyone prone to paper cuts shouldn't even enter the origami game. It's a rough industry and certainly if you don't have thick skin, you're going to lose.
Interview: Let us guess, we're your first interview of the day, aren't we?
Colin: Yes!
Interviewer: And this is how you like to start your day?
Bradley: ...I usually start my day with origami.

@темы: LMAO, actors

18.01.2013 в 16:42

Tell me how all this, and love too, will ruin us.
боже это прекрасно:lol::lol:
18.01.2013 в 16:50

хаааааааааа)))))))))))а видео нет?
18.01.2013 в 23:16

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
maricon lanero,
Это восхитительно)

К сожалению, видео нет. Насколько я понимаю, только журнальное интервью.

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