Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
“Books belong to their readers, and I don’t have a problem with people disliking or criticizing books that I have written, because I don’t really see those books as mine. I did my best. The reader does her/his best. If we can make something worthwhile together, I’m grateful. If we can’t, that’s too bad, but fortunately there are lots of other authors out there.”
--John Green

@темы: quoting

08.05.2012 в 11:34

I used to care, but now I take a pill for that
Очень правильное мнение! :five:
08.05.2012 в 14:08

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
миссис Норрис,
у всех авторов своя точка зрения, но я вот разделяю именно эту.
написав историю, я ее отдаю, и не чувствую, что она принадлежит только мне))

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