Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Dear celebrities, I weep for your sense of style.
It must be buried million feet under.
I checked Kids Choice Awards 2012 red carpet.
And OMG, my poor eyes!!! My heart cries for you! It's not even Oscars to pick smth outstanding.
Fire your fucking stylists, also you totally suck at fashion style yourselves if you decide to wear it.
Is this so hard to pick a good outfit?!
Go with classy dress and classy shoes then!
This makes me outrageous, okay?!

Anyway, so I decided to introduce you one girl who I really like for not hurting my sense of beauty.
I find only 3% of her outfits questionable, but they're still smth to look at.
So, take a look at Olivia Palermo.
I didn't pick anything from her photoshoots, more of her street style and from some carpets.


@темы: bitching, like fashion, is never finished, you can't kill the Shopaholic in me

01.04.2012 в 19:59

вы тут котиками любуйтесь, а я скоро вернусь через пять часов.
01.04.2012 в 20:24

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
да, очаровательная девушка.
и замечательное чувство стиля.
прямо глаз радуется.
01.04.2012 в 21:31

I'm not crazy! My mother had me tested. (c)
I don't know who she is, but she's very pretty and her fashion sense is... dare I say it? perfect.
01.04.2012 в 21:59

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
she does modeling and little acting, mostly she's like fashion icon, so she's welcomed to many events))

girl surely knows how to pick the right outfit))

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