Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Jesus Christ, people! There's a new project with Jess and they released a picture.
Title: Free Samples
Plot outline: A Stanford law-school dropout escapes to the anonymity of Los Angeles to figure out what she wants to do with her life, and on the day of her college boyfriendʼs birthday, Jillian finds herself stuck running an ice cream truck fending off locals and oddball friends alike.
Starring: Jess Weixler, Halley Feiffer, Jesse Eisenberg, Jason Ritter, Keir O’Donnell, Jocelin Donahue, Whitney Able, Matt Walsh, with Jason Ritter and Tippi Hedren
Directed by Jay Gammill
You can check it on FB or twitter.
But just, Oh my fucking God, Jess!

Title: Free Samples
Plot outline: A Stanford law-school dropout escapes to the anonymity of Los Angeles to figure out what she wants to do with her life, and on the day of her college boyfriendʼs birthday, Jillian finds herself stuck running an ice cream truck fending off locals and oddball friends alike.
Starring: Jess Weixler, Halley Feiffer, Jesse Eisenberg, Jason Ritter, Keir O’Donnell, Jocelin Donahue, Whitney Able, Matt Walsh, with Jason Ritter and Tippi Hedren
Directed by Jay Gammill
You can check it on FB or twitter.
But just, Oh my fucking God, Jess!

у обоих абсолютно никаких публичных аккаунтов.
я честно говоря с трудом представляю их обоих ведущих открытый блог.
у Эндрю был тогда заведен аккаунт на одном из блоге, когда он деньги на прыжок с парашютом для брата собирал)).
но сейчас... если только для промоушена Спайдермэна.
а вот Джесси... просто нет))
ему www.oneupme.com/ хватает
о да.
я выпала их реада как увидела