Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
You don't get to leave NY without getting Jesse recognize you, talk to you (3 times, i should mention 3 times), wave at you from the stage and give you the tightest hug you could have ever imagined.
Things don't get better.
Stay tuned for more NYC news.
Yeah, i just love the line.
Things don't get better.
Stay tuned for more NYC news.
Yeah, i just love the line.
srsly, human being shouldn't be like this.
i have a lot to talk about him coz we've discussed a few topics and omg, he kinda got used to us, so it wasn't uncomfortable anymore.
Darya-marshmallow, нет, зато я сказала, что ему хорошо бы было работать с Джоссом. И потом еще поговорила с Фрэном Крантцом.