Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Gosh, so hot, so much sex.
Love it!
Title: i think that i'm cured
Author: oflights
Pairing: Mark/Eduardo
Rating: NC-17ish
Word Count: ~7,700 (Christ on a cracker.)
Summary: Written for this prompt at the prompt fest; wherein Mark and Eduardo have so much sex that Mark can't stay awake at work, and they are both utter failures at having self-control.
Link to fic.
Love it!
Title: i think that i'm cured
Author: oflights
Pairing: Mark/Eduardo
Rating: NC-17ish
Word Count: ~7,700 (Christ on a cracker.)
Summary: Written for this prompt at the prompt fest; wherein Mark and Eduardo have so much sex that Mark can't stay awake at work, and they are both utter failures at having self-control.
Link to fic.
mark is very demanding))
я сейчас читаю просто рпс, где Эндрю по пьяни полез целоваться к Джесси, а потом наутро ничего не помнил, не помнил - ВСПОМНИЛ!!! ))) не хочется перебивать.