Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
So, real Mark and Eduardo are kinda starting to get in touch, with Wardo promoting FB and Mark checking his page *flails and screams*
And then, real Wardo posts this, and OMG, nothing can beat my fandom!!!
Wardo reads tumblr and Mark saw TSN_kink_meme, and Jesse's cousin told him about tumblr, and FB employees participate in TSN_kink_meme.
And just OMFG!!!

And then, real Wardo posts this, and OMG, nothing can beat my fandom!!!
Wardo reads tumblr and Mark saw TSN_kink_meme, and Jesse's cousin told him about tumblr, and FB employees participate in TSN_kink_meme.
And just OMFG!!!

no fandom can come close to us!
especially in creepinessTrue words!
god, did he? как жарко-то стало в комнате *_*
ну надеюсь не читал))
Но Марк умныц же человек! XD
Чего уж там...
Я за прочные отношения))