

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Authors are such gentle creatures.
They need to be treated with care.
So if the author says that he hates everyone, he truly does.

@темы: fiction, writing

12.09.2011 в 20:57

I'm not crazy! My mother had me tested. (c)
lol, I'm totally favoriting this! :lol:
12.09.2011 в 21:55

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
angelInstead, but it's truth.
my emotions btw))
12.09.2011 в 22:15

I'm not crazy! My mother had me tested. (c)
yeah, I know that it's true. hence the favorite ;-)
12.09.2011 в 22:25

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin

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