вторник, 06 сентября 2011
Reblog alert for TSN fandom.
*is proud*
We are masochists. We watch and rewatch a movie in which two best friends go from being as close as can be to virtual strangers on opposite sides of a deposition table. We know “the break up scene” has nothing to do with Erica Albright, but everything to do with a smashed laptop and fuck you flip-flops. Our favorite movie is generally categorized as drama, but we know it is nothing short of a tragic love story.
Read more to know why it was TSN fandomWe are romantics. Every time we watch the movie, a small, illogical part of us hopes that there will be a happy ending this time. We write fics where Mark and Eduardo overcome everything, all their history, and reunite (and most of the time pull their heads out of their asses and realize they love each other). We look deeper and see moments other people don’t see. We see longing looks, face-splitting smiles, moments when they “could have had it all” that are not visible to the naked eye, and see a love story.
We are passionate. Insult the character of Mark Zuckerberg. Call him an asshole. Go ahead, I dare you. We will go to fight for him tooth and nail until the sun goes down. We will show you moments that you may have missed, moments you didn’t even pick up on, and we’ll never stop trying to convince you that he’s a good person. Call Eduardo a martyr. Let us point out the mistakes he made, things he should have said, and places where he messed up. We know both sides of the story. Don’t mess with us unless you’re prepared to endure the consequences.
We are devoted. We know the difference between being obsessed and being motivated. Most people in the fandom will tell you that once you get in, it’s hard to get out. It takes you over. Watch as your blog becomes more and more covered in TSN graphics, fics, and videos, and glorious pictures of our cast and crew. Every once in a while you’ll look at your followers who have nothing to do with this fandom, and you’ll think, “Oh, that’s right, you guys are still here.” We can quote pretty much every line from the movie, sometimes we can quote off the commentary, and everything (yes, everything) can connect to the fandom. And I know (at least for me) any movie with David Fincher, Aaron Sorkin, Jesse Eisenberg, or Andrew Garfield can count on me for a ticket for the rest of forever.
We are quality. Let’s face it; we love a critically-acclaimed, serious film. The kind that usually doesn’t get this kind of fan base. But because it’s so good, it makes us good. We attract quality people. I have never read better fanfiction than I have for this and the Jewnicorn fandom. There are countless TSN videos that have brought me to tears. I often drool over pretty graphics. This fandom has got me into so much good music. I have made so many great friends through this fandom. We’re made up of flawless people who show their love for this movie on a daily basis.
We are proud. We’re a fandom that loves each other through everything, no matter what. Through skeptics and people who don’t understand us, we stand together. I have never been a fandom that’s so supportive of each other. We’re like a family, and nothing, not haters, not confession blogs, nothing can tear us apart. And we’re not afraid to show it. We held and TSN-a-thon and didn’t care that we flooded dashes and blogs with our fandom.
And finally…
We are still here. Yep. Almost a year after our movie premiered. Months after awards season ended. We’re still here, and we’re still showing our love for this fandom. And we will continue to be, like it or not.
Andrew Garfield,
The Social Network,
Jesse Eisenberg,
me myself and I