Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
UPD: Oh tumblr, I trusted you!)) today it was confirmed that it is andrew 'coz yesterday i had some doubts, and now, they tell me it is probably not.
me is not happy))
Okay, after Jesse and Mark, it's Andrew's turn.
He was such a cutie, already a bit of hipster))
Another future life ruiner.

me is not happy))
Okay, after Jesse and Mark, it's Andrew's turn.
He was such a cutie, already a bit of hipster))
Another future life ruiner.

прическа аля-Спок просто добивает! *_*
bosetsu, наши детки все прекрасны))
родители не знали, что делать с большой копной волос))
I wanna hug him and while he's not looking steal his bear
aww, you're gonna make him cry))
and that's where you come in and comfort him
great plan!
reaction to the picture which is probably not real?!))
aww, only for this i love you