Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
UPD: Oh tumblr, I trusted you!)) today it was confirmed that it is andrew 'coz yesterday i had some doubts, and now, they tell me it is probably not.
me is not happy))

Okay, after Jesse and Mark, it's Andrew's turn.
He was such a cutie, already a bit of hipster))
Another future life ruiner.

@темы: Andrew Garfield, The Social Network

04.09.2011 в 12:11

I'm not crazy! My mother had me tested. (c)
awwww, look how cute! :squeeze:
04.09.2011 в 12:12

Jack of all trades, master of none
ждем меня сегодня смерть от перекавая! :inlove:

прическа аля-Спок просто добивает! *_*
04.09.2011 в 12:23

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
angelInstead, he is! i wanna hug him! look at his hipster clothes))

bosetsu, наши детки все прекрасны))
родители не знали, что делать с большой копной волос))
04.09.2011 в 12:24

I'm not crazy! My mother had me tested. (c)
I wanna hug him and while he's not looking steal his bear :evil:
04.09.2011 в 12:42

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
aww, you're gonna make him cry))
04.09.2011 в 12:48

I'm not crazy! My mother had me tested. (c)
and that's where you come in and comfort him :cool:
04.09.2011 в 13:39

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
great plan! :friend2:
04.09.2011 в 18:54

вы тут котиками любуйтесь, а я скоро вернусь через пять часов.
04.09.2011 в 21:48

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
reaction to the picture which is probably not real?!))
04.09.2011 в 21:53

вы тут котиками любуйтесь, а я скоро вернусь через пять часов.
yeah, it's probably not him but just the thought of it makes me like crazyinlove.
04.09.2011 в 21:55

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
aww, only for this i love you :squeeze:

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