Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Only TSN fandom could manage to turn Kept boy!fic (that I have a special dislike for) into something sweet and beautiful, and real, and amazing.
I was shying away from this for weeks as it's never been my cup of tea, but it is something completely different.
It starts light, but don't let it fool you, it gets more serious, good kind of serious, the one I'm always looking for, and I fell in love with it.
I'm overwhelmed.
It's 3AM and I exhausted but I had to finish this amazing story.
Link to fic.
I was shying away from this for weeks as it's never been my cup of tea, but it is something completely different.
It starts light, but don't let it fool you, it gets more serious, good kind of serious, the one I'm always looking for, and I fell in love with it.
I'm overwhelmed.
It's 3AM and I exhausted but I had to finish this amazing story.
Link to fic.
хотя так травма Вардо и не была полностью раскрыта (думаю там была маман наркоманка), я рада, что это не превратилось в стандартный сюжет типа меня в детстве изнасиловали, потому я продаю свое тело.
Вардо не выступал там в роли жертвы, что меня сразу и подкупило.
может, это и хорошо.
(думаю там была маман наркоманка)
вот как, я об этом даже не подумала.
ну может при выкладке на АО3, она добавит деталей.