Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
So, LJ status is...
The site is back up, but we're still working on the Varnish 503 errors. Refreshing will usually clear it. status.livejournal.org [AG]
That 503 error is such pain in the ass.
And I hope that LJ's gonna be back completely working sometime around today.
Doll, I hope we can get this BB train back on the tracks.
The site is back up, but we're still working on the Varnish 503 errors. Refreshing will usually clear it. status.livejournal.org [AG]
That 503 error is such pain in the ass.
And I hope that LJ's gonna be back completely working sometime around today.
Doll, I hope we can get this BB train back on the tracks.
я тут все никак вторую часть отредактировать не могу((