Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin

Jesse was so nervous of this scene. He is so stupid because he is so good in it. He felt so under-prepared and he was so angry with himself and I think it was lovely because there was a real kind of support that we had for each other in this scene. In between takes he’d be really kind of nervous about messing up and he wanted to get it absolutely right, but I think his anger towards himself was nicely translated to his anger at me. And then on my side of it, he kept on giving me these wonderful little ad-libs for me to react to for the last part of the scene where he, you now, I think at one point I made him say: “I love you, you’re my best friend. Come, and we’ll get married, and we’ll live in a house together.” Just to kind of like give me that right kind of reaction for the end of this scene. And he really generously, you know, embarrassingly told me how much he adored me. It was really nice. For this last bit.
-- Andrew on Jesse

@темы: Andrew Garfield, The Social Network, Jesse Eisenberg, jewnicorn, Mark/Wardo

21.07.2011 в 01:18

вы тут котиками любуйтесь, а я скоро вернусь через пять часов.
ты так и не знаешь, откуда эта гифка?*_____*

“I love you, you’re my best friend. Come, and we’ll get married, and we’ll live in a house together.”
а потом Just
конечно, просто джаст ю ноу. everybody does this things while filming. it's highly hetero- thing to do.))
21.07.2011 в 01:58

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
знаю откуда))
я же еще кидала видео из behind))

everybody does this things while filming. it's highly hetero- thing to do.))
like putting finger in his mouth as well))
21.07.2011 в 11:29

вы тут котиками любуйтесь, а я скоро вернусь через пять часов.
я же еще кидала видео из behind))
серьезно? у меня капитальная пропасть в памяти или я пропустила. О_О
21.07.2011 в 12:08

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
ты же видела это.
еще на IMDB были файлы))
21.07.2011 в 13:10

вы тут котиками любуйтесь, а я скоро вернусь через пять часов.
оууу, помню, я начинала смотреть, но так и не догрузилось до конца. надо освежить память.)
21.07.2011 в 13:31

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin

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