понедельник, 18 июля 2011
I think by the end of Jesse promoting
30 minutes or less I'd meet some fan's death due to amount of love and squeeing.
sсriрtOn how Nick changed in the movie.
“My character he is, erm, he kind of dropped out of school a few years ago. He is stuck in this job that he hates and in love with this girl who he’s kind of never told. When he has this bomb strapped to him and knows that he has a finite time to live, he quits his job, he, you know, confesses his love to this girl, he tries to mend his relationship with his best friend that he’s been estranged during the past several years. So, ironically it is the best thing that could’ve happened to him.”
On stunt driving.
“There are some pretty, erm, some pretty big set pieces where we have a long strip of road and twenty stunt drivers all driving around me in some kind of weave, so the crew was oftentimes kind of fearful for their lives ‘cause I’m not such a great driver. But they allowed me to drive and I guess sometimes they need to see me personally driving, so I got to drive in a lot of the scenes. And, erm, no one was injured.”
On Danny McBride as Dwayne.
“I think Danny’s character is written for him, so specifically. His voice - he has such a unique way of being intimidating and terrible, and at the same time, somehow sweet and endearing and funny. It’s a very, very strange and unique combination. And it’s so important that that character has that, because he has a heart, [?] as awful as the character is. And he has his own storyline, and you root for him at some point as an audience.”
On director Ruben Fleischer.
“Ruben has a really great sense of maintaining what seems honest for the characters even set against the backdrop of a very broad movie. And for an actor that’s kind of the most important thing you want from a director, as somebody who can account for what your character is going through and deal with it in a way that both serves the story and seems to be in line with what you’re bringing to it. Erm, having said that, he also has a great sense of what’s cinematic and what’s funny, what looks great in terms of the way the movie is shot. So the movie ends up being entertaining as well, but he never compromises - character.”
On what audiences will respond to about the movie.
“I think the movie tells a very provocative and interesting and compelling story, but in the real way, so even though it’s funny and even though it’s got this great high concept to it, and there was a chase and there was a countdown, literally, for the bomb, I think the characters are real and the emotions are real and the relationships are dealt with honestly and tells this really entertaining story, but not in a way that ever compromises the people inside of it.”Another interviewBehind the scenes. Though, links are working kinda weird.
Part I ~
Part II ~
Part III ~
Part IV ~
Part V
The Social Network,
Jesse Eisenberg