Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Latest Jesse stuff.

Austin video interview which is just wonderful

Now, Boston live chat that just passed.
Okay, it was nice, I didn't participate, but it was fun seeing fans probing Jesse for Andrew))
Also, they picked the lamest questions((
Boston live chat

Latest pictures because I love ogling him

Video of Jesse being adorable and a bit uncomfortable promoting in Cancun

@темы: Andrew Garfield, The Social Network, Jesse Eisenberg, jewnicorn

16.07.2011 в 10:55

вы тут котиками любуйтесь, а я скоро вернусь через пять часов.
aww, andrew will heal his bad knee, i'm sure
16.07.2011 в 10:58

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
i'm sure if andrew was asking this question, jesse's knee would be just fine))
16.07.2011 в 11:00

вы тут котиками любуйтесь, а я скоро вернусь через пять часов.
Sabi* of course it would)) may be andrew is the reason why it's aching, oh god *_*
16.07.2011 в 11:09

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
well considering it was just a joke, i guess not))
but if he did, andrew would kiss it better))

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