All those new interviews and pictures of Jesse make me hot.
God, I wish I was there when he was serving pizza.

And shit, I love when Jess is trolling.
Independent interviewMy parents were... My father is a college professor and my mother teaches cultural sensitivity in hospitals – how young doctors should be sensitive to a diverse group of patients. It's a very new thing.
The house/flat I grew up in... was in Queens, an urban area outside New York City, and then in New Jersey, and I finished high school in New York City proper.
When I was a child I wanted to... I either wanted to be an astronaut or a banana. Now I'm an actor so I can probably be both of those things at some point. I was also just eager to become an adult – I felt powerless as a child.
If I could change one thing about myself... I would change my socks.
You wouldn't know it but . It's the reverse: I've been seen in very public places [being very good at] doing things that I have no idea how to do. I finished a movie last night, playing a prodigy pianist, and I don't play the piano. Last year I created a website, and I don't know how to type with my left hand.
You wouldn't know it but I'm no good at... I'm no good at really anything that involves motor skills.
At night I dream of... mostly falling off things. I think it's because the bed is too high off the ground, I should adjust it.
I wish I'd never worn... I used to wear, on a daily basis, entirely purple sweat pants and top, in order to eschew gender norms.
What I see when I look in the mirror... Usually the murderer standing behind me.
My favourite item of clothing... I steal clothes from movie sets – whatever the last thing I had to wear, I carry on wearing. It's a strange thing to put on the same clothes every day for several months, you inevitably get really comfortable in that.
I drive/ride... a bicycle, every day, all over.
It's not fashionable but I like... All of my pleasures are guilty, but that's just the way I'm wired...
My house is... run by cats – when you have cats, you can't own anything nice.
A book that changed me... Maybe Huck Finn, I really loved that one.
The last album I bought/downloaded... I don't really do that, though for this movie I was playing a pianist, so I downloaded all this Chopin and Steve Reich.
Movie heaven... I don't watch movies.
My secret crush is... in the spirit of the question, I guess we'll keep it secret.
My real-life villains... I ride a bicycle so maybe some kind of erratic driver with no rear-view mirror.
The person who really makes me laugh... Ricky Gervais, your home-town hero. That was the greatest character ever [David Brent], in The Office.
The last time I cried... Yesterday. I cry daily any time I see my body naked in its entirety – usually when I'm in a shower.
My five-year plan... I have to finish college. I had a goal of doing a play I wrote, and I'm doing that this year. I got nominated for an Academy Award and lost, and people who lose get to go to space, so I want to go to space. And I've got some benevolent dictatorship work I've got to do.
What's the point? I don't know. Mother Teresa was asked what was the meaning of life, and she said to help other people, and I thought, 'What a strange thing to say' – but maybe it's the right thing to say.
My life in six words... I usually describe it in seven.
The Social Network,
Jesse Eisenberg
it will!!!
they ARE two dicky trollers))
на его голое тело у всех совсем другая реакция, может не заливать!