Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Neil and David are getting married.
Thanks, NY!

New York passed a law stating it was legal for same-sex marraige.

Happy for all gay couples in NY.

@темы: gay rights

25.06.2011 в 16:34

K/S. They hit you with the rainbow spectrum of slashy goodness. It will at once make you cry buckets of tragic tears and then make you believe in angels. (c)
Шикарные новости!:crzfan::crzfan::crzfan::crzfan:
25.06.2011 в 16:49

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
определенно!!! :buddy: :dance3:
25.06.2011 в 21:50

I used to care, but now I take a pill for that
Как замечательно!!! :)
25.06.2011 в 22:09

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
миссис Норрис
они добились своего!

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