вы тут котиками любуйтесь, а я скоро вернусь через пять часов.
yeah, he is but it's just like he's so genuine, back to his native roots or somethings ;D may be it's just his beard that makes him look so proud and happy ;}D they love it when there's no need to shave their face. so sissy ;DD
vedmo4kaO.o they love it when there's no need to shave their faces. so sissy ;DD i love how men talk what it a suffer is to shave every day! yeah-yeah, tell me about it!
but it's just like he's so genuine, back to his native roots or somethings i'm in desperate need of new pictures of them together)) and i don't get why everyone is like 'they look so cute with Garrett', C'MON!!! He looks cute as in together only with Jesse!!!
i love when he smiles))
though, when he's with Jesse he's way more happy
but it's just like he's so genuine, back to his native roots or somethings ;D may be it's just his beard that makes him look so proud and happy ;}D they love it when there's no need to shave their face. so sissy ;DD
they love it when there's no need to shave their faces. so sissy ;DD
i love how men talk what it a suffer is to shave every day! yeah-yeah, tell me about it!
but it's just like he's so genuine, back to his native roots or somethings
i'm in desperate need of new pictures of them together))
and i don't get why everyone is like 'they look so cute with Garrett', C'MON!!! He looks cute as in together only with Jesse!!!
nonono -_- there's smth wrong with it definitely.
what it a suffer is to shave every day
it's like they think we 'll never understand
я пошла и прогуглила даже, что это значит))
а вообще, о Эндрю
о Эндрю
(с нежностью) хипстер такой хипстер. даже в царстве гавайских рубашек не расстается с клеткой. Не меняйся, Бэмби.
даже в царстве гавайских рубашек не расстается с клеткой.
и клетки всегда разные))
Не меняйся, Бэмби.