Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
I finally sent my beta the BigBang story (36 k so far), though it was without the epilogue (shame on me) as I'm still working on that one, and the main reason? I just got sick of editing the scenes.
Yes, I still think I could do better. I just don't know how.
Anyway, congrats to me!

@темы: fiction, SPN_J2_Big Bang, me myself and I, writing

15.06.2011 в 20:16

I used to care, but now I take a pill for that
Перфекционист squeeze:
15.06.2011 в 20:18

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
15.06.2011 в 20:27

вы тут котиками любуйтесь, а я скоро вернусь через пять часов.
15.06.2011 в 20:30

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
thank you :squeeze:

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