Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
I wanted to share. I'm sharing and caring kind of girl, roll with it.
Morris Moss gave me one awesome gift and some of you might want to squee over it as well))

I have a bigger size of course, the one that fits my desktop, but just take a look))

@темы: fangirl' death, Andrew Garfield, The Social Network, Jesse Eisenberg, fan art, jewnicorn

11.04.2011 в 01:49

Музыка - мой морфий, осень - мой драг, кофе с молоком - моя нирвана. © Domminica MacDeverson
11.04.2011 в 02:42

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Tamerlana Blackdracon
yeah, it is)) :kiss:

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