Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Thanks to my friend *loves her friend* I was introduced to the bakery!verse where Mark is a facebook!Mark and Andrew is a baker!Wardo.
The first part was divided into 2 installments and it was really good.
Then, BOOM, the second part comes out and it's so fucking awesome! The characterization, the dialogues. PERFECT!
Now, I'm SO waiting for the part 3.
Title: Sweet on you
Author: moogle62
Pairing: Mark/Eduardo
Rating: R for content, but NC17 for FREQUENCY, maybe? Basically, NSFW at all.
Summary: BAKERY AU. Mark is Mark, Eduardo owns a bakery/café near the Facebook offices. Mark does not have time to have a thing for him, but he totally, totally does. Sadly for Mark's continued enjoyment of a harassment-free existence, Dustin is still Dustin and is entirely devoted to his causes of a) getting Mark laid, b) acquiring all the gossip, and c) acquiring all the baked goods he can. Featuring novelty shaped cookies, frosting in places frosting should never be, and ~feelingsOn top of that, check PWP part
The link.
The first part was divided into 2 installments and it was really good.
Then, BOOM, the second part comes out and it's so fucking awesome! The characterization, the dialogues. PERFECT!
Now, I'm SO waiting for the part 3.
Title: Sweet on you
Author: moogle62
Pairing: Mark/Eduardo
Rating: R for content, but NC17 for FREQUENCY, maybe? Basically, NSFW at all.
Summary: BAKERY AU. Mark is Mark, Eduardo owns a bakery/café near the Facebook offices. Mark does not have time to have a thing for him, but he totally, totally does. Sadly for Mark's continued enjoyment of a harassment-free existence, Dustin is still Dustin and is entirely devoted to his causes of a) getting Mark laid, b) acquiring all the gossip, and c) acquiring all the baked goods he can. Featuring novelty shaped cookies, frosting in places frosting should never be, and ~feelingsOn top of that, check PWP part
The link.