Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
I'm not one of the guys who always roots for their fave celebrity' significant other.
Srsly, I don't get it, just because I admire some celebrity and his/her talant, my love isn't spreading to its best half.
Why should it?!
But I do make some exceptions, especially when the best half helped this celebrity to become better.
Like, RDJ and Susan.
She did wonders to the guy.
I just like them together.

Srsly, I don't get it, just because I admire some celebrity and his/her talant, my love isn't spreading to its best half.
Why should it?!
But I do make some exceptions, especially when the best half helped this celebrity to become better.
Like, RDJ and Susan.
She did wonders to the guy.
I just like them together.

у нас не такое большое сердце видимо, не хватает на всех подружек/дружков, семей и т.п.