I can't believe the things they put into the consolation prize for Oscars' nominees who didn't win.
CLICK TO READThe infamous “consolation prize” swag bag — presented by Distinctive Assets the morning after the Oscars to all nominees who don’t win — will include the following trinkets at these estimated retail values:
* $200,000: An orbital space flight on Virgin Galactic (allowing nominees to be among the first to fly the friendly skies of space — kind of).
* $16,000: Four-night stay at the Huvafen Fushi luxury resort in the Indian Ocean from Premier Tours, featuring an underwater spa in the Maldives (for those tough weeks when a terrestrial spa just won’t do).
* $200: Black caviar eye and neck cream from J. Holly International (even celeb skin sometimes feels a little fishy).
* $4,850: One-week “fitness and weight-loss” retreat from Live in Fitness (helpful after noshing on all those black truffles and sipping flutes of champagne).
* $100: Pack of electronic cigarettes adorned with Swarovski crystals from blu Cigs (because Nicorette doesn’t offer diamond-studded gum — yet).
* $20: “Shimmer” toilet paper roll from KimzHollywood List (they may not be bringing home Oscar gold, but these nominees shall have bathroom gold).
* $12,000: Use of a private island for five days, “including private houseman” from APrivateIsland.com (so they don’t have to BYOH).
* $14.99: NOZIN “all natural” nasal spray (because the stars’ nasal passages? They’re just like ours).I wanna see Jesse's bewildered face when he gets all this expensive shit))
The Social Network,
Jesse Eisenberg
Блин, серьёзно?
Да, так и вижу Джесси в космосе с этим кремиком. Not.
жаль нельзя записать его реакцию на видео))
Constance B.
вот источник.
Джесси прямо необходимо сбросить лишний вес, начать курить и принести домой новую туалетную бумагу))