Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
I guess it's the second best jewnicorn fic after CIIMH.
I barely can handle that level of adorableness.
I found that story at tsn kink meme and the writer is still unknown.
But he/she makes a great job of updating the story often.
Title: Kiss by the book
Author: Anonymous
Pairing: Jesse/Andrew
Summary: Hey, so, this is my first fill and first Andrew/Jesse piece, so apologies if it's not up to par with all the wonderful writing I've seen around here. I've set the boys at Harvard just because, why not? And also because I've already done Harvard-related research, so it makes my life easier.
Link to fic.
I barely can handle that level of adorableness.
I found that story at tsn kink meme and the writer is still unknown.
But he/she makes a great job of updating the story often.
Title: Kiss by the book
Author: Anonymous
Pairing: Jesse/Andrew
Summary: Hey, so, this is my first fill and first Andrew/Jesse piece, so apologies if it's not up to par with all the wonderful writing I've seen around here. I've set the boys at Harvard just because, why not? And also because I've already done Harvard-related research, so it makes my life easier.
Link to fic.
зато каждый раз новая порция счастья)))
Но вообще на CIIMH очень похоже, автор явно под впечатлением писала))))))
ага. Они там такие adorable и эти записочки...
мне нужно МОАААРРРР
I hear you))) Пусть пишет хоть месяцами))
Очень классная штука, тоталли мэйд май морнинг)))
Спасибо, дарлинг
я так рада, что ты нашла время прочитать эту штуку.
отлично поднимает настроение!