Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Gosh, I wanna see this movie.
Shallow part of me loves every line))
And Cameron's teacher reminds me a bit of myself, of my dark past as a teacher))
Not that I was this progressive, but my outfits and the way I was talking (like using condoms as a topic for exercises) were not typical teacher style))
Back to movie, I think it must be awkward to work with your ex.
Well, that's HW for you, way too small to avoid bumping into someone you've been fucking.
Shallow part of me loves every line))
And Cameron's teacher reminds me a bit of myself, of my dark past as a teacher))
Not that I was this progressive, but my outfits and the way I was talking (like using condoms as a topic for exercises) were not typical teacher style))
Back to movie, I think it must be awkward to work with your ex.
Well, that's HW for you, way too small to avoid bumping into someone you've been fucking.
Кэмерон в этом образе прекрасна))
ага, и она так прекрасно матерится))) все вариации fuck'ов в ее устах приобретают какое-то особое очарование
да уж, нос не воротишь, а только радуешься))
з.ы. стырил.
Tamerlana Blackdracon