Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
There are plenty of bangel AU vids floating around YT due to SMG/DB new projects, but I find this one pretty good and kinda comforting in some way.

Title: AU {B/A} - Bangel/Booth - Nobody Said It Was Easy
Vidder: addictedtotelevision
Song: The Scientist
Artist: Coldplay
Summary: B has been dreaming or reliving A's last moments in Not Fade Away and after finding out he's alive rushes to see him. She watches him from afar, first at a bar and then at his house but doen't have the nerve to actually talk to him. As she isdriving home she sees Connor. They talk and she realises Conner knows that she's been watching A and asks him if he will tell A. He says he won't and that he's grateful that she's looking out for him. She eventually goes and meets A and asks him if he ever found anyone else. He tells her that after he lost B, living just means surviving.
B, as B always does runs, cause she can't deal with it right now. She later finds an old album and reminices causing her to go see A/Booth in his office. She spills all the feelings she's been bottling up and there is a hppy ever after.

@темы: fan vid, Angel, B&A 4 ever, rec, Buffy