
Dance rec

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
I love to watch people dance, I admire good dancers, but I've never watched SYTYCD, though my friends did *points at all of you* LOL
S, I've found this dance, and I loved it.
It's so emotional, those feelings behind the moves delivered brilliantly.
Thanks to Travis and the dancers for this performance.
I know behind story of this dance and it's obvious that Travis put his soul into this dance.
Also, I love this song to bits - Fix You by Coldplay.

Sorry, I can't embed the video, but you can check it here

@темы: music to ur ears, TV, rec, Squee indeed!

20.01.2011 в 18:57

Cause I know this flame isn't dying, So nothing can stop me from trying/I wish my brain had its own brain/And I'm not cocky, I just love myself(с)
о да! Я обожаю этот танец.. Элисон, Тревис, музыка, и Роберт - все сошлось и всё сложилось в прекрасность)
20.01.2011 в 19:06

Life goes on; life stays the same; everything changes (с)
Oh darling *hugs* it was really powerful. And I am so proud of my boy... It was hard for him, hard for Robert, obviously, and hard for Allison coz she's old friend of his. Oh.
Btw, did you have some thoughts about watching other dances by him?
20.01.2011 в 19:53

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
ksur Элисон, Тревис, музыка, и Роберт - все сошлось и всё сложилось в прекрасность)

Bri Btw, did you have some thoughts about watching other dances by him?
I've only watched Bench Dance. So, I'm open to suggestions.
he's so talented.
20.01.2011 в 20:26

Life goes on; life stays the same; everything changes (с)
Watch "how it ends" (by Kent and Neil, and you should watch it with behind-the-scenes explanation), then "If it kills me" contemporary by Jeanine and Jason (otherwise known as best-friends-becoming-more), then try to find the improv dance by Travis and Ivan to "Collide" (I posted it in 2009, try to find it in my diary by tag Sytycd), then "Machine gun" dance by Ellenore and Legacy (totally fucked up and awesome), and then magical contemporary by Kathryn, Mark, Kent and Lauren. He did about 10 dances for Sytycd as a choreographer, these ones were the best imho. Sorry I can't give you links, at work at this moment. Write me if you can"t find it, I will be glad to give you videos when I am home, I am all for providing the world with his awesomness))
20.01.2011 в 21:03

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
wow, thanks for the recs!!!:squeeze:
20.01.2011 в 22:45

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
all the performances were AMAZING!
And Collide is something outstanding.
21.01.2011 в 00:08

Life goes on; life stays the same; everything changes (с)
:squeeze: really glad you liked it. I have this protective feeling towards him and his work. I remember watching the season of 2006, where he was this 18 yo nervous boy who tried to act cocky to hide it. So it is very interesting to watch all this progress.
Last summer Travis made an official routine for the song "Collide", I think it is known as prom routine, danced by Kent and Lauren. But the original was so much more...Just so much more. No one still knows whether there was a relationship between them or they really were best friends, but anyways, it was like one person dancing in two bodies. Eh *goes to rewatch it*

oh, and btw. Bench routine was danced by him (in 2006) but it was choreographed by Mia Michaels, wonderful choreographer. 2 times Emmy winner and so on.
21.01.2011 в 00:50

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
No one still knows whether there was a relationship between them or they really were best friends, but anyways, it was like one person dancing in two bodies.
it felt so emotionally strong. Whatever emotions he put into that dance, it felt raw and passionate.

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