

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
God, I finished it.
I started this story one year and a half ago.
Then, I was involved with BigBand and due to this fact, I kinda lost some of my readers. But the loyal ones stay and the ones who don't comment (yeah-yeah, free counter is a good thingy, lol).
It will take time for beta'ing and stuff, but I did it. Finally. I can't believe it.
This story is pretty special to me, so, this post is mostly for myself.
I need to celebrate it!
Cheers to "Hold Me While I’m Killing You"! *dances around*

@темы: fiction, me myself and I, writing

23.11.2010 в 17:40

I didn’t slap you, I high fived your face.
23.11.2010 в 17:43

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
can you believe it, doll?! :squeeze:
I'm planning to make a masterpost with the links to the art and fanvid you made, and to include fanmix of the songs I kept listening to while writing.
23.11.2010 в 17:49

I didn’t slap you, I high fived your face.
Sabi* я помню, как клеила фотки на стену, а ты мне рассказывала всю свою задумку ))) Это реально по-моему было позапрошлым летом. А в тот же год на слеш коне мы решили делать ББ ))))) Блин, это оказывается ТАК давно было :О
23.11.2010 в 17:59

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
я посмотрела 1 пост фика.
1 часть была запощена в конце мая 2009))
это уже история!

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