Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
No spoilers. No cut needed.
Good acting, some actors were even great, what else *thinks* There were some good scenes during the episode.
Hmmm, what else... *thinks hard* Good acting.
Guys were good, really.

Now, jump to the chase.
Okay, the last five minutes? WHAT? Really? Srsly?!

Also, what a perfect way to excuse his own holes.
Though, I don't think my readers will be as generous as the viewers.

Could be worse, though. Right?)) Yeah, I am in a cheery mood.

@темы: bitching, supernatural, blah-blah

15.05.2010 в 01:54

Hmmm, what else... *thinks hard* Good acting
Boys are pretty.
15.05.2010 в 01:58

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Yes! I vote for this one as well!
They are really pretty))) and r gay and r in love, but that's another story))

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