Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
And be4 I go to sleep there's amazing interview with Adam given in Sweden.
He's being honest and just being Adam.

CLICK to read

The source.

@темы: Adam Lambert

29.04.2010 в 02:32

I used to care, but now I take a pill for that
Я как раз только что оттуда - ОБОЖАЮ!!! Просто вот обожаю его мысли о жизни и об ориентации и о сексуальности - настолько классно и настолько я согласна со всем!

You always have to be one or the other in the gay community! You're either masculine or feminine, top or bottom. There's no in between. In LA it's a little different. As a guy, you can be wearing girl jeans and high heels and still be dominant and intense. I had many people to identify with when I started going out, not everything was as black and white. I created my own identity.

"Out can have whatever agenda they want, but I'm not down with the editor projecting that agenda onto my career. I'm as gay as I want to be, or as discreet as I want to be. I don't owe anybody anything, it's my own choice. I am not a political leader and do not represent the gay community. Just because I'm one of the few openly gay artists does not mean I have an obligation to be this or that."

Adam has gotten a lot of shit for relying on sex too much during his performances. Some gay people say he's making the community look bad and needs to tone it down.

"That it such bullshit. We're all sexual! I am an artist, and rock n roll and music are sexy. Music is about letting go of your repressions. Everyone goes to clubs, dances and flirts to get laid."

Этому особенный ППКС и респект и все такое!
29.04.2010 в 02:33

I used to care, but now I take a pill for that
ПС. вопрос в конце как раз в тему к фоткам :lol:
29.04.2010 в 10:31

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
миссис Норрис
мне нравится его прямота и честность.
и его взгляды на жизнь.
парня можно цитировать.

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