Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
I was planning to stay away from diary and to stop making the posts for today))
BUT, OMG!!!!!!!!!!
They finally posted the interview Juliet was teasing Chris' fans with.
Very honest and personal interview *dies of happiness*
One of the best Chris' interviews I saw. Hands down.
If you're interested in my man, you sould totally watch it.

I love him talking about working on Angel, about his last night be4 moving to CA.
The moment he talks about Brittany Murphy... no words((

Latest pic of his.

@темы: crazy in love, Christian Kane

23.04.2010 в 02:56

интервью чудесное!))
можно я его завтра в сообщество повешу? или ты сама повесь))
23.04.2010 в 08:22

Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
я его смогу повесить только поздно вечером. Если подождешь, то повешу))
заросший, в шрамах, но... мое))
23.04.2010 в 16:04

подождем вечера))
23.04.2010 в 20:40

Awww, какой чудесный:inlove::inlove::inlove::inlove:

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