Wrote a hidden note onto your mellow skin
Amazing leonidaslion wrote another beautiful story.
Title: Don't Talk With Your Mouth Full
Rating: NC-17 (language, dark situations, sexual situations, evil!Dean)
Pairing: strong vamp!Dean/Sam overtones, mention of vamp!Dean/others
Warning: Dark!fic. (see author's notes for complete warning list)
Spoilers: for BUABS
Genre: drama, horror, AU (Don't Talk to Strangers 'Verse)
Word Count: 5,124
Summary: After his snack, Dean finds he's in the mood for something a little more substantial ...
The last part of Vamp!Dean' verse, but you can totally read it as one shot.
I love such stories.
Read the warning first though. Maybe it's not your cup of tea.
Link to fic.
Title: Don't Talk With Your Mouth Full
Rating: NC-17 (language, dark situations, sexual situations, evil!Dean)
Pairing: strong vamp!Dean/Sam overtones, mention of vamp!Dean/others
Warning: Dark!fic. (see author's notes for complete warning list)
Spoilers: for BUABS
Genre: drama, horror, AU (Don't Talk to Strangers 'Verse)
Word Count: 5,124
Summary: After his snack, Dean finds he's in the mood for something a little more substantial ...
The last part of Vamp!Dean' verse, but you can totally read it as one shot.
I love such stories.
Read the warning first though. Maybe it's not your cup of tea.
Link to fic.