Well, I must say it was the good episode, it felt almost like the episode of early seasons.
the good and the bad of the episode It was creepy and dark. I liked the atmosphere of it.
And they try to revive the bond between brothers.
Btw, I hope Sammy cleaned the backseat (and he better be using the holy water) before falling asleep.
Also, I have a lot of but's to say.
Dear Jeremy Carver, yeah, I went and checked your name, you think the action can save the lameness of the dialogues?
The answer - big NO. Say thanks you have the actors, if you were a fanfiction writer, your story wouldn't be taken as the good one.
And could you please stop torture Dean? The last scene was l-a-m-e! Really. Leave the guy alone for fuck's sake.
When I heard him saying about all those victims, I thought "hey, if they were the the last episodes' writers, I give you my blessing, baby".
Anyway, it was good, and I wish they'd cut out the last scene.