New wincest vid by absrip.
Her previous wincest vid 'Bed Of Lies' is one of my favourites.
This one is AU and it's angsty, and I loved it! Also, I'm Breaking Benjamin' fan, so it's soo my kind of the vid.
The vid is wonderful, I loved the editing and the footage, wincest scenes are perfect, but no happy ending, guys. I hope there'll be more, maybe part 2, coz the vid rocks and I'm such a sucker for happy endings!

Vid Title: You
Vidder: absrip
Artist: Breaking Benjamin
Category: Wincest, angst, au
Characters: Dean's POV
Pairings: Dean/Sam
Warnings: Wincest
Summary: Deans POV. What if Dean never told Sam about his deal with the crossroads demon? Trying to protect Sam, Dean pushed him away, making him go back to Stanford and a new life. Dean fights his need for his brother and his fear of his deal coming due.
DLs are here.