Oh God. It's just something.
Great song, great lyric, great voice, and great soul you can see through the song.
Fuck, yeahhhh!
Just what I needed right now.
So he's gone and left you all alone
Think the better of your years
Were spent with him
The little girl who used to dance
On fire and brimstone
Is all but dead
Where's the girl I knew that held
A lighter up to the radio
She'd do anything she wants
Because she can
We were seventeen and wild and we were jumpin' on
The Devil's bed
I didn't raise you like that
I taught you lessons about freedom
Strapped to the bucket of a forty-five bike
I lit your hair on fire
Racing ten mile flats
Where American heavy metal cries
Oh we were waitin' and wishin'
On pink slips and kisses at the end of the line
When you rat-a-tat tatted on the glass
And you screamed on high
I'm alive
You can say that cat is long gone
I bet you look real hard
You can find that girl within
She's probably waitin' in the wings
For you to come along
Let her out again
You need a quarter mile, a bunch of horses,
And some gasoline
I'm alive
You wanna meet a girl I used to know,
Let's take a drive