09.05.2012 в 23:29
Пишет  MarvelGirl:

Открытое пост-эвенджеровское письмо Джосса...
...не побоюсь этого слова, НАМ – давним и преданным фанам

Dear Friends,

Well, it's been quite a weekend. Someday, long from now, I will even have an emotional reaction to it, like a person would. I can't wait! But before I become blinded by this "emotion" experience, there's a few things I'd like to say. Well, type.

People have told me that this matters, that my life is about to change. I am sure that is true. And change is good -- change is exciting. I think -- not to jinx it -- that I may finally be recognized at Comiccon. Imagine! Also, with my percentage of "the Avengers" gross, I can afford to buy... [gets call from agent. Weeps manfully. Resumes typing.] ...a fine meal. But REALLY fine, with truffles and s#!+. And I can get a studio to finance my dream project, the reboot of "Air Bud" that we all feel is so long overdue. (He could play Jai Alai! Think of the emotional ramifications of JAI ALAI!!!!)

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п.с. может, глупо, но я сижу сейчас сама себе улыбаюсь и испытываю самое настоящее чувство гордости за любимого джосса

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