I finally decided to make one big post (which will be regularly updated) with the Sherlock fics I rank as the best ones (IMHO of course).
I do believe it is mostly for myself but if you enjoy such writing styles as well, be my guest.
And I assure you, they all do have happy endings despite all the angst.
My Top One which keeps holding this position since I've read it for a first time:
The Paradox Series by wordstrings. I highly suggest this if you like Sherlock as mad and brilliant and loving John so much that having John's blood in his body is Xmas to him.
The Good Morrow series by greywash. Amazing grown-up series. The fist part The sensation of falling as you just hit sleep where John is dealing with Sherlock's death, life goes on and John is a soldier, he keeps on living, but he is still waiting. The second part (which is WIP that I wait every part for as if for NY's EVE) concentrates on John and Sherlock fighting Moran and building their own relationship.
The Bachelor Stripped Bare By His Shadow, Even by M_Leigh. It is a companion piece to The Mourning Woman (Molly's thoughts after Reichenbach). This one is way more raw and honest, John's emotions are not screaming out loud loss but quiet and cutting deep hollow death.
Us Against by augustbird. My favorite AU so far. John and Sherlock as teens, where John suffers from his family and tries to protect his sister, with Sherlock being only good thing in his life.
Hours Before Midnight by augustbird. Post-Reichenbach John. Oh no, you don't understand how some messages can hurt you.
Equilibrium by augustbird. How it feels when John gets brilliant even more than Sherlock and after, loses everything including his mind? Sherlock's experiment at Baskerville provoks it.
If Metal Had a Choice by anarmydoctor. That one night when they were running away, handcuffed, they had a choice to change things between them. They had a choice. And maybe they still will.
The Gap by anarmydoctor. Post-Reichenbach where John keeps waiting for Sherlock day after day. Happiness was that, simple and tangible. It fit into the air of their mouths. No matter if the kiss lasted a second, minutes, an eternity, because the measure of its time was the same as that of the universe: a fraction of second to happen, and an endless immensity to exist.
I Used to Live Alone Before I Knew You by etothepii (Stochastical). Another nice AU, angel/demon universe that I love. Where Mycroft is an angel, Sherlock is a demon, and John is still John.
The Infiltrate Series by SkipandDi (ladyflowdi). I love the series, even though after it turns into another series Infiltrate Interludes with kids which are quite enjoyable but way too sugarcoated. So, I usually stick with first 2 parts of The Infiltrate Series and the third part is really good but the ending could be smoother and less sweeter.
Performance In a Leading Role by Mad_Lori. The best Sherlock RPS where the Sherlock and John are actors brought up to play in one movie as lovers. It's really detailed and vivid, and the author made a really thorough job on HW industry. My respect and love.
Build a room, take the time by pailette. She was amazing with TSN and now she's great at breaking my johnlock heart. When it gets really bad, John practices saying you’re late.
Learn to Wear Each Other Well by sinuous_curve. I enjoyed quite a long list of Mystrades. And I don't know why this story left me smiling privately and wishing for them to be together. Some kind of trick. But really enjoyable story.
Authors whose every Sherlock story I enjoyed and will read in a heartbeat future ones (they have more than I put down here):
I didn't include famous Two Two One Bravo Baker, Chameleon verse or Collared verse. I enjoyed them quite a lot but they didn't leave me messed up and teary, so yeah.
The only TBC I keep reading (for months now) coz it is so wonderful. I've never liked first person stories but this one is just amazing.
The Quiet Man by ivyblossom. It starts with John mourning after Sherlock and continues three years after.
if you can rec me smth, you're welcomed.